Nether Wallop Parish Council (NWPC)
NWPC is the first tier of local government and comprises up to seven elected representatives of the community who serve for four years at a time and meet monthly in the Nether Wallop or Wallop Parish Hall to debate and determine matters of interest to the Parish.
The NWPC usually meets on the second Monday of each month, from 6.45 pm, in the New Nether Wallop Village Hall. NWPC meetings are held in public and there is an opportunity for members of the public to speak at the meetings on subjects about which they feel strongly. Please see our dates of meetings and details of councillors.
You can read more about the functions of a Parish Council by downloading a NALC booklet.
The Standing Orders of Nether Wallop Parish Council can be found on this website under 'Governance'.
A list of Nether Wallop events useful for those new to the Parish is available.
For enquiries, please email the Clerk on nwpc.clerk@gmail.com or use the Contact page.
Did You Respond to the HCC Local Transport Plan?
The consultation ended on 26th June 2022.
Find out more here. And read about the HCC LTP4 Outcomes here.
"The overall societal costs (health impacts) of road transport emissions in Hampshire are estimated at approximately £225 million per annum. Central Government (DEFRA) statistics estimate that 4.6% of adult deaths in Hampshire in 2019 were linked to particulate air pollution." Page 38 of the Plan.
See Highways update for Jan 2022 here
The NDP is ongoing. Volunteers from residents who would like to be part of the team would still be welcome! See more here
The NWPC Data Protection Policy
Nether Wallop Parish Council recognises its responsibility to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) which took effect in the UK from 25 May 2018 replacing the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protection regarding how their personal data is used by councils. See the NWPC Data Protection Policy here.
The Nether Wallop Village Hall
The Council owns the Playing Fields (including the pavilion and the tennis court) and has a long lease over the Village Green. It is responsible for managing the Nether Wallop Village Hall which is owned by the Trustees. The Wallop Parish Hall (WPH) is jointly owned by Over and Nether Wallop Parish Councils which share the cost of running it. With Over Wallop bearing 2/3 of the costs and Nether Wallop 1/3. The Councils have responsibility for maintaining these facilities for the use of the Parishes and each year uses part of the precept to fund that work (see the accounts ).
NWPC also takes responsibility alongside Hampshire County Council (HCC) for keeping the Rights Of Way of the Parish in good order and is assisted in this work by a volunteer footpaths officer. Councillors know the Parish and are actively engaged in the community and all its activities. They are entitled to be consulted on planning applications and are often consulted on other matters affecting the Parish or invited to represent a view to other authorities such as Test Valley Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, the Police, health authorities and providers of services.
Councillors represent YOU – this is where local democracy begins.
Nether Wallop Parish Council has a responsibility under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018, to ensure their website and/or mobile applications meet with accessibility standards. This means ensuring it can be used by as many people as possible including those with a disability such as visual impairment, motor difficulties, cognitive impairments and impaired hearing or deafness.
UPDATE October 2020 - Following a website audit by AllAble, their report shows that the website currently fails on some points.
UPDATE December 2020 - The Council believes that the website now meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards and has published an Accessibility Statement. ( What is WCAG2.1? )
- Nether Wallop